Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thing 6 - Social Bookmarking


Today’s thing (#6) is Social Bookmarking.

Social Bookmarking is a great way to save all your bookmarks or favorites to one website. That way you can access them from any online computer in the world. Imagine you’re at your local library and you find a cool new website. Rather than writing down the address and possibly forgetting it, you could use to bookmark it and never be without.

Another plus is that you can group your addresses into categories via tags, for easier identification. Give all your banking sites one tag and all the game sites another. This is especially helpful when you have a lot of bookmarks.

Lastly, there is the social part. You can browse other people’s bookmarks and let others browse yours. If a lot of people have a website bookmarked, it may be worth checking out.

My favorite bookmarking site is There is a great toolbar that you can download for Firefox that allows you, with the click of a button, to discover great new sites. If you like the site, give it a thumbs up, if not, a thumbs down. Stumblupon finds more sites that you might like based on those ratings. It is addicting.

Till next time,


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